(415) 635-1007 * EIN #83-1459701
Your donations make a huge difference in the lives of the people and their pets who Full Belly Bus serves! Meet A., who shares her story about her experiences with homelessness, domestic violence, and her two dogs, Bella and Josephine Baker. FBB has supported A. with veterinary care, grooming, dog food, and supplies over the last five years as she and her dogs transitioned from living in a tent to Navigation Centers and now have their own apartment.
“Bella is my rock. She’s been with me since she sat on my lap at just one month old at the SPCA. Bella is living her best life now. She is so social. When I first saw Josephine, she looked just like Bella. I couldn’t believe it, and I fell in love. They are five years apart, and different breeds, but both have this fire.
I specifically chose the name Josephine Baker. She fought for equity for women and people of color. She adopted a lot of children of different races. Like Baker, I want to show the world that hate is taught to humans and dogs. JoJo is the essence of struggle and success. Also, I am an adopted child, and I have a biracial child who I love, who has her master's degree and is working toward a PhD.
When I was first out on the street, I was 50 years old. I never saw it coming. And I was scared to be on the street alone. Being homeless living in a tent for five years was a struggle. I’m still coming uphill. I also had to be ok with talking about domestic violence. With help from La Casa de las Madres, I left my situation with my partner and got into a Navigation Center to try to start over. There, I got to working again. I've always been a working person and it helped me get back in the swing of things. It took a long time, but I finally got assisted housing. We have our own place now.
I think it would have been easier for me to be a lost cause, but I just keep coming back. These dogs make me smile and even if I’m having a down day, I can't stay down because they won't let me. They both sleep in bed with me. They are warm, fuzzy, and comforting. Such great dogs.
I first met the Full Belly Bus team at the Navigation Center on 3rd Street. I was struggling and just kind of shut down. So much has happened, and they've been around ever since. When we’ve been stuck, Full Belly Bus has been there.”
Thanks to your vital support, Full Belly Bus is able to help countless pet owners in need like A. So that we can continue our core mission of "Care without conditions," we do not pursue city funding that would limit our scope of non-judgemental care. Thank you for making FBB possible!
Very appreciatively,
Paula Benton
Founder and CEO
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